Kevin Hitt's Pledge Page

Dear Friend,

I am participating in the 60 mile Avon Breast Cancer walk from Frederick MD to Washington DC May 3 – 6 , 2001. Last year several of my friends made the long emotional journey and it encouraged me to join them this year. Breast Cancer is something we need to think about before it affects someone we care for. It is the most common form of cancer in women in the United States. This year alone 42,000 women are expected to die from this disease. There is no cure but if detected early it can be treated .

This past August a friend of mine told me that she had a mastectomy. A “ survivor she told me. “I was taking a shower one day when I noticed something different. At first I thought , nah… it’s just my imagination; but it really bothered me. I went to my doctor and sure enough ‘Breast Cancer!’ I immediately started planning for my own funeral. My doctor told me that it was operable and my chances for survival were very good. One month later I had a silicone implant and on with my life. It was hard at first because I thought someone would find out. Then I decided it did not matter, I was alive and I wanted others to know… “

Not more than a week later, another special lady came to me with her own story . Then another and another. It seemed at one point that I had become a grief counselor for my friends. All of a sudden I wasn’t raising money and walking just for the research and treatment of this disease but for my friends. The people I love and confide my own troubles in. I tear up to even think that I could have received a phone call saying … “ she’s not here anymore..” No!! Not my Mother, No!! not my sister, my aunt, my child ….. My friends….This is why I am doing this walk. I am walking for those who have been lost and for those who have won and for those who are still fighting.

Last year walkers raised more than 6 million dollars. This money was donated entirely for Breast Cancer research and development. Advancements in technology, detection software and treatment programs. This year we plan to double that…I have made a commitment to this walk and to raise $1900.00 for Breast Cancer.

It is with this letter to you today that I ask for your pledge. Your pledge today is welcomed no matter how large or small. If you ever dreamed that some day we could change the world now’s your chance. It is with the help of Palotta team works and Avon that a glimpse of this dream will come true. On this walk no one fights to get ahead therefore no one is left behind. This is not a race. This is 3 days that 4,000 men and women walk for life. I am one of the 4,000.

We Honor...

Mary Louise Scott(survivor), Linda Amani Richardson(survivor), Gwen Elmore(survivor), Peggy Hitt(survivor),Brenda Horton.

We Remember...

Edith Staton Painter(d 1998)"We miss you grandma", Ruby Ipock (d 2000).

Please give generously as your donations will be matched with thousands of others during this event. Thank you for visiting my Pledge Page. God Bless you.

PS If you have a loved whom you want honored or remembered email me. Please include Name,nickname,survivor or victim and dates. Pray for me as I pray for your family during these three days.

Thank you,
Kevin Hitt